How To Feed Babies & Toddlers On Vacation

How To Feed Babies & Toddlers On Vacation 

Travelling with kids is a whole new world! There is so much to plan for and think about, throw eating into the mix and it can start to feel quite overwhelming! New smells, new tastes and a change in routine can affect little ones in different ways. Here are my top tips on how to manage eating well while on vacation and reduce stress!


1. Overpack Snacks!

Pack extra snacks!!! Pre packaged snacks tend to be loaded up with sugar and salt so pack up some extra home made snacks or opt for healthier pre packaged snacks you know your kids enjoy. Here are some great snack options to pack in your luggage:

  • Lara Bars or Organix oat bars are a fab portable snack.
  • Individual sachets of nut butter are so convenient and you can just spread them over toast, serve with crackers or with fruit.
  • Crackers & rice cakes


 2.  Stay in a hotel room with a small kitchen fitted or opt for an Airbnb

Since having Z we always try to book a hotel room with a kitchen. It is so much more convenient as it means I can often make breakfast for him and use the fridge to store fruit, veggies etc for snacks.


3. Try to stick to a meal & snack schedule

You definitely don’t need to be really strict with a schedule but offering a meal or snack every 2-3 hours is a great option. Try not to use snacks as entertainment otherwise they will constantly graze! Often on holiday, we are busier than usual with activities like swimming, playing on the beach and sightseeing and this can be quite exhausting for little ones which means they get hungry and tired sooner than usual.  So stop for snack breaks and keep them well hydrated!

4. Do a grocery run!

Our first stop is always the local grocery store or if in the USA we often use Instacart for the convenience of their delivery service.  This allows us to stock up on essentials like fruit, veggies, bread etc and anything I might be planning to make for breakfast for Z. I tend to stick to simple breakfast foods like oatmeal, eggs and my simple pancake recipes.  

5. Don’t stress about what they are or aren’t eating!

Don’t fixate on what they are and aren’t eating! Travel results in a lot of change and all kids react differently. There’s always a lot more carbs, some ice cream and usually less veggies! I always look for side orders of vegetables and sometimes just ask for them steamed so I can season it myself with some butter and pepper or ask for avocado on the side etc.

6.Offer choices

Offering children a choice is so empowering for them and helps them to feel in control. I always try to give Z a choice when eating out by picking 2 things from the menu for him to choose from.

7. Lead by example  

If they see you eating fresh, seasonal and delicious food they will often copy and want to try! I always aim to order a side of veggies for myself or fresh fruit. Life is all about balance and children mimic what they see!

8. Expose them to new flavours

Travel is such a fabulous opportunity to encourage them to explore new healthy foods and experiment with new flavour combinations.

We also aim to try local cuisines and flavours with no expectation or pressure for him to eat the food!

9. Enjoyment is key!

Vacations and family travel time is all about enjoyment and quality time together without

the pressures, routine and time scarcity of everydaoy life so relax and enjoy it!

Did you know I have a handy travel guide which includes detailed tips on how to prepare for your trip, packing checklists, suggested activities to keep your little one entertained, as well as, breaking down snack and meal ideas (including my 5 go to recipes for travel).


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