Fizzy Erupting Hearts

Fizzy Erupting Hearts  

Fizzy, bursting with colour and a little science thrown in! This is such a fun and interesting activity and always renders different results which makes them even more beautiful!

For older children you can discuss the vinegar is acidic and the baking soda is a base and the reaction neutralises them. For young kids just let them enjoy the magic of the reaction!


These also make great gifts for family and friends! I know we will be sending some out! 



What do you need? 

Cut out hearts on watercolour paper or card * see note

Food colouring (any colours you like)

1 bottle vinegar

Baking soda




  1. Mix a few drops of food colouring with 1/4 cup vinegar.
  2. Repeat for all of the colours you want to use.
  3. Lay out the hearts on a washable mat or aluminium foil. 
  4. Use a spoon to sprinkle the baking soda over the hearts.
  5. Then using a pipette drop the vinegar and food colouring solution onto the hearts and watch the magic happen!
  6. Let the hearts dry fully. You may need to tip off excess paint.

Note: watercolour paper yields the best results.